Sunday, October 5, 2008

Peach Juice

As requested in a comment on a previous post, I have named this blog "Peach Juice".

Anyways...stuck in the sluck of major boredom again. Where has everyone on Newsboys Fanatic Central gone????? I haven't recieved a PM from anyone *coughBluecough* in forever!

So I got this random idea to share what my school life is like in this cup of creative juice. The first class of the day is Earth/environmental Science. I used to despise science till I got to this class. The classwork we do is all hands-on projects like all the time. No worksheets whatsoever! The class itself is probably my favorite of the day.

The next class I have is Parent/Child Development. I have the world's oldest teacher in this class! A lot of class discussion and projects are done in this class. I get kinda bored in this class sometimes.

Next is lunch. Don't tell anyone I told you, but I'll sometimes skip into the ridiculously long line with my friends who have already made it in before me. You probably would too if you had a club meeting going on everyday of the week during your lunch hour. Mondays, I have SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions). Tuesdays, Youth Alive (A Christian club one of my friends got me involved in). Wednesdays, I attend Christian Teens (another Christian club). Thursdays is Pep club. And Friday is FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes. You guessed it, another Christian club)

After lunch, I have Advanced Communications class. About like Parent/Child Development, just with a different teacher, and a rowdier class. I really should try to have a different attitude about this class, cuz I want to study Mass Communication in college, but we get off-topic every five minutes, so its sorta difficult to follow the lesson.

The last class of the day, my favorite subject, English. As far as classmates go, its just like Adv. Comm. class. And with the same teacher! Its probably my least favorite class because of that.:(
But my best friend is in there with me, so I don't complain.

Well, I'd better wrap this up. Its almost church time!

TTYL! (on the Message boards hopefully. *coughBluecough*)


CrimeSceneFairy said...

Did I request peach juice? I probably did. I love peach juice. xD Well I think I changed usernames like twice since you posted last.
Anyways how do you remember all that stuff?? Sheesh! You want to know my schedule?
Prayer & Bible Time whenever mom finishes getting ready
Algebra, Geography, Health, Spelling/Vocabulary, and Literature, all in my bedroom
Sometimes compostion homework, sometimes Russian homework, sometimes...NOTHING!
Don't you wish you were me. B-)

Blueh said...

I probably will reply.
But I'm pretty irked at the nb boards right now.

I can't post on the HWAG thread without it getting deleted within 10 minutes, and it's driving up a wall. >:(

netsirK said...

Sorry it took me so long to comment!

Your Earth/Environmental class sounds so nice! I'd love a class like that. Science is by far my fav subject.

Hey, that's really cool you have all those Christian clubs. The school here could really use one of them.