Friday, December 26, 2008

Eggnog: Merry Christmas!!! (another Christmas post)

I know I've already posted my blog for this month, but I'm @ a babysitting gig, and the kids are busily entertaining themselves with their new Nintendo Wii that they got for Christmas. So I'm a little bored...

Anywho... Merry Christmas!!! In case your wondering how I did on the dreaded ACT...I don't have results yet (they said five to eight weeks, and its been about two) but I feel like I did ok. It all sorta went downhill from the middle of the math section on. I unintentionally spent too much time on one question and didn't realize it until five minutes was called. So I winged it from that point on. I didn't finish the section. Nor did I finish the daggone reading comprehension section. They give you like ten paragraphs and like five minutes to read them! I'm not a speed-reader, so I'm not really fond of test sections like that. I got hungry in the middle of the science section. Yeah, I don't think I'll have a whole lot of good stuff worth the Promise scholarship, luckily there's room for improvement. I might take it again next year if I see fit.

In case your wondering what I got for Christmas...clothes, funky socks, smelly stuff, half a Claire's store's worth of jewlry, a new mp3 player, (RCA 8 gig. Its nice!) and the ultimate concert experience........


How astoundingly awesome! I can experience one of the most awesomest concerts I have ever experienced any time I want now!

I have yet to break into the dvd, but I've listened to the cd like fifty times between yesterday morning and this afternoon. My favorite part is probably the B Stage Medely track. The little background music that Jeff and Paul play between the hits is bouncy and cool! IDK why I like it so much, but my favorite part in this part is:

Peter: [talking about the Love Liberty Disco tour]...and there was this 200 lb. disco ball over my head every night...

Paul: I remember that...

Peter: How do you remember that???

Paul: I was in the audience. (sings) Give me love give me liberty disco, the place everybody in the family's found, on that day we'll all be happy people when love liberty disco's in town.

I'm hoping I can put parts of the dvd onto my mp3 player. The cd's loaded onto it with about two-hundred fifty-something other songs.

Random/off-topic: the two-yr old just came to me with a jar of marshmellow creme, wanting to eat some. LOL She's so cute! *goes to serve marshmellow creme to the kids* They're gonna be hyper tonight. What were you thinking? (to quote Peter Furler) LOL

I think I better get off here and make sure nothing gets broken when the sugar rush kicks in. Wonder what other games the kids have for Wii??


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Eggnog: Christmas post

Time for my monthly blog!!!

Okies, so I'm taking the ACT test next Saturday, and I really could use the prayer. Especially considering my "brilliant" math skills. (I'm being sarcastic, in case you can't tell. I think I was about five points below average on that section of a practice test I took recently) I really hope I can get a little more time to study before the big day. Between track workouts starting, and keeping up with homework, projects, and everything, I was getting a little stressed out last week.

Oh! I wrote a Christmas poem! Wanna read it?

Ordinary to Extraordinary

One ordinary silent night
One ordinary young girl
One ordinary little town
All became extraordinary to the world

God chose one ordinary young girl
Mary, average, simple, but a pure virgin
An angel came to her, saying,
“You will give birth to the Son of God
Who has come to save the world.”

God sent Mary and her husband, Joseph, to Bethlehem
An ordinary town of Judea
It is there where Mary gave birth,
and commonplace shepherds are invited to see.

An extraordinary Babe
Came into the world as a stranger
An extraordinary Babe with no place to lay
but a manger in a stable.

An extraordinary Babe
So declared by the angels
sent to save the people from their sins
God with us, our Immanuel

An ordinary night
written as extraordinary in the pages of history
An ordinary life
converted extraordinary for God’s glory

God gave an extraordinary gift
to us, such ordinary people
God gave us his only Son, Jesus
to bring Him back to us
What else do I feel like telling you guys? (why is my type still italicized??) *clicky* *clicky* That's better!
So this tagging thing that is customary among yous guys looks pretty cool! If possible, I wish to partake in this tagging-ness. I know I'm only on once a month, but it would make my blogs more interesting!
I'm so Blue-ue-ue,Blue-ue-ue, Blue-ue-ue-ue
I'm so Blue I don't know what to do!
Paul Colman's rendition of that song is THE BOMB!!! Speaking of blue, I'm blue becauseNBBluey and I haven't spoken to eachother in more or less than three months!!! :( Blue! If you're reading this, PLEASE COME BACK TO THE BOARDS!!!! (or @ least e-mail me....) I'll have a blue Christmas without you. (LOL)
Alrighty...I think its about time I get off and brush up on my math skills. (2+2=FISH! lol) Talk to you all next year!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cranberry Juice (or Random Rants)

Is anyone here aware that there's a High School Musical FOUR in the works???? HSM4!?! I'm not a huge fan of HSM, mainly cuz Disney Channel has bled it to death with sing-alongs,dance-alongs, sing/dance alongs...what will they come up with next? But SERIOUSLY! MUST they make a fourth movie? Its not even for certain if the original cast is going to be in this one!

So, I might be going to my school's winter formal this year. I'm probably going with my best guy friend. (as friends of course) I was looking at formal dresses @ Debs, and they range from fourty to about sixty-five bucks. Not a bad deal...

I wonder if I can wear my mom's prom dress? Does she even have it anymore?

Earth to NBBluey... do you copy? LOL

I saw Madagascar 2 was good!

So, I discovered these cool cartoon characters today! Their names are Hoops and Yoyo. They're funny! They have some neat nick-nacks @ the Hallmark store. They have their own website too!

Me is done ranting for now... don't want to get caught on the parental radar. *peers over shoulder*


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Peach Juice

As requested in a comment on a previous post, I have named this blog "Peach Juice".

Anyways...stuck in the sluck of major boredom again. Where has everyone on Newsboys Fanatic Central gone????? I haven't recieved a PM from anyone *coughBluecough* in forever!

So I got this random idea to share what my school life is like in this cup of creative juice. The first class of the day is Earth/environmental Science. I used to despise science till I got to this class. The classwork we do is all hands-on projects like all the time. No worksheets whatsoever! The class itself is probably my favorite of the day.

The next class I have is Parent/Child Development. I have the world's oldest teacher in this class! A lot of class discussion and projects are done in this class. I get kinda bored in this class sometimes.

Next is lunch. Don't tell anyone I told you, but I'll sometimes skip into the ridiculously long line with my friends who have already made it in before me. You probably would too if you had a club meeting going on everyday of the week during your lunch hour. Mondays, I have SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions). Tuesdays, Youth Alive (A Christian club one of my friends got me involved in). Wednesdays, I attend Christian Teens (another Christian club). Thursdays is Pep club. And Friday is FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes. You guessed it, another Christian club)

After lunch, I have Advanced Communications class. About like Parent/Child Development, just with a different teacher, and a rowdier class. I really should try to have a different attitude about this class, cuz I want to study Mass Communication in college, but we get off-topic every five minutes, so its sorta difficult to follow the lesson.

The last class of the day, my favorite subject, English. As far as classmates go, its just like Adv. Comm. class. And with the same teacher! Its probably my least favorite class because of that.:(
But my best friend is in there with me, so I don't complain.

Well, I'd better wrap this up. Its almost church time!

TTYL! (on the Message boards hopefully. *coughBluecough*)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Orange Juice--I'm Baaaack!!

Hi Peeps!

Sorry I haven't blogged here in a while... my mother instructed me not to blog on here any more. :( But I'm just SO DARN BORED right now!

So... what's been happening to me lately? Not much. School, homework, more school and more homework. Oh, yeah! I did this community service project thing this weekend! I helped out in this clean up project. I really enjoyed it! I got pretty dirty! And I found out that the folks running this cleanup project are my (somewhat) distant relatives! (my dad's first cousin, her husband, her daughter [2nd cousin] and the 2nd cousin's son, dad's third and my fourth.) What's even neater is that I feel God had a part in all this. I was around family, and my rents were a bit reluctant to let me go to this thing at first. Its nice to know I was well watched after.

What else? My allergies got wound up this weekend. *sniffle, reaches for tissue* Watery eyes, stuffy nose, stuffed up head, ears popping, the works. *blows nose*

I hope I get cleared up within the next two weeks. I'm singing in church then. What am I singing, you ask? "He Reigns"!!!! I've been wanting to sing it forever! I wanted to sing it in my school's talent show, but I didn't make the final cut. :(

running low on blogging juice.....NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Goodby cruel world! *plays dead*

J/K Can't end it like that....

So I watched this amazing movie on the Lifetime channel last night! It was called, "Memory Keeper's Daughter". Its about 1946 and this couple gives birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Their girl has Down Syndrome. The father, who is a doctor who birthed his own kids, instructed his nurse to take her to this awful place for people like her. She (the nurse) couldn't leave her there, so she takes the daughter in as her own. Until the early 1980's, her biological family thinks she was lost in child birth, and her father carries around the sad, solemn, hard and heavy truth about their kid. I don't intend on giving away the ending, but I'll tell you, it was wonderful!

I guess I better go.... my brother wants on the computer. *throws snotty tissues at him* I'M ALMOST DONE HERE! Anyways, toodles! Chat with yous guys on the NB message boards!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Grape Juice: The First Day of School (continued)

Just got in from an awesome first day! I got a top locker this year and my best friend and I have a class together!! Where do I want to begin? We had hot dogs for lunch, in case anyone's wondering.

Wondering what my classes are this semester? 1st block: Environmental/earth science 2nd block:Parent & Child Development 3rd: Advanced Communications 4th(the one my BFF and I are in together!): English 11. Interesting classes, huh?

Lemme rack my brain for anything interesting to share about today.... Picture Day is Thursday! I'd probably get suicidical about my english class if it weren't for my BFF. There's a bunch of rowdy rednecks, chatterbox Jocks and the boy who is the worst student to have a class with in there, and my patience can only take so much of them (or at least the Rogue Student. I can't seem to get away from him!!!!!!!! AAAAAGGGHHH!!!). Class will be more enjoyable with my BFF around! She'll have my back if I get down. I sort of got lost today on my way to third block! :) I read my schedule wrong. I went to the class I have next semester instead of what I have this semester! And I had the hardest time trying to find that class too. I have no trouble opening my locker! Its just locating it that I have to get down.I like to walk right past it. I taped the Newsboys poster I got from Spirit Song Fest in there! You can also find a plethora of red locker accessories and a red backpack in my locker. (Red used to be one of my favorite colors)

Well, I think that's about it...for now....


Grape Juice: The First Day of School

My school is having this LINK program thingy designed for the freshmen, so Upperclassmen (that's me! I'm a Junior if you're curious.) aren't needed on campus for about another hour and a half. Figured I'd blog to kill some time....

For you Gospel Music Channel fans out there looking forward to the Newsboys debut on Front Row Live, I have some news on that. Whether it be good or bad I'll let you decide. Sources on that channel say that our favorite Aussie Posse is performing with Wyonna Rider.... in October. Just so you know. Please don't shoot the messenger. The Boys seem to have a real problem with keeping dates, don't they?
On the upside, "He Reigns" was featured as a "Words of Faith" thing! And I saw Brandon Heath's video to his cool new single! That pop/hip-hop-ish sound must be the way to go nowadays. I kinda like it!

I'm hungry... wonder what we're having for lunch?

The outfit I'm wearing today is entirely from Aeropostale! I LOVE that store! No other brand of jeans fit me decently. And I love their solid colored polos! Like half my wardrobe is Aeropostale! Yeah, me & Aeropostale are like Paul Colman and Starbucks. XD You'd have the hardest time getting me out of there.

No cookies in the cookie jar. I WANT A COOKIE!!! >:-(

If you're the administratives reading this, I promise you, my blogs are not intentionally spam blogs. The mods have cracked down on me and my blogging. :( I didn't do it, I swear. (I blame Blueh! j/k!)

Bored... and hungry. *attacks kitchen*

What else to blog..... NO! I'm running out of ideas! :-O

Wish this blogspot place had smileys.

Hope yous guys had a good first day at school!(whoever went back today, that is.) word to say when you're being random.

Guess I'll blog at ya l8r. I'm going to see how I can get my own blogroll thing.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Apple Juice: Babysitting

Now that the two yr old is occupied with something else, I have a free moment to tell you about my time babysitting! It's a great gig! And I don't mean to brag...but I have the best kids! Especially the two yr old (call her H)! H is probably one of the cutest two yr olds I have ever met! I could go on forever on how adorable she is! We had a tea party the other day, we gave her a straw so she could drink her tea, and she started blowing bubbles in the tea cups! The cute, smug little grin she had on her face while doing it was priceless! And today, she and I got to watching some Baby Einstein movies, and we got to dancing to the music! She has such a unique dance style! Her sister (A) is cool too. Seems like a pretty good Christian for seven 1/2 yrs old. We were watching Mulan, and it was near the end of the movie where every one was bowing to Mulan, and she was like, "They don't know God in China, do they?" She's pretty sweet.Babysitting is tons of fun, especially if you're a kid at heart, like me!! You should try it if you're given the opportunity.

TTYL! Have 2 do dinner dishes. UGH! :(

Start Juicin'

Greetings fellow bloggers! I'm NB NUT, In case you don't already know me from the Newsboys message boards. A few of my crazy friends from there finally convinced me to start my own blog thing. I don't intend to be on here often, but when I do, I hope to deliver some great tasting creative juice!

Let's see.... how about I tell yous guys what I'm doing right now. (Interesting topic to start with, isn't it?) Right now, I'm babysitting for a friend of my mom's. She has two wonderful little girls! One of whom is in school right now. She's seven 1/2. The other one is two, and is watching Baby Einstein dvds in the living room. Two year olds are sooo cute! XD And babysitting is how I've spent most of my summer this year. Its a good gig! I've babysat for one other family who goes to my church. They have a five year old little boy. He's adorable! I just had my last day with him a couple weeks ago, though. :( I hope I can babysit him and my two favorite girls on the weekends during school. (Need as much money as I can get for prom.)

I'd hate to run, but I got to go read some books to the two year old! TTYL!